Fox Spirit Symbol:
Cleverness, Cunning, Intelligence, Observant, Stealth,
Playfulness, Mischievous, Deception, Persistence, Adaptability, Wisdom,
Nobility, Good luck.

Fox Totem Meaning and Medicine:

All these attributes are associated with Fox symbolism. The fox spirit is special and displays strong and likeable features with a mix of some attributes that could be deemed as being a little alarming. In essence the fox spirit can act as a guide and teach you to cleverly evade obstacles in your life and develop a sense of quick thinking in dicey situations. Being cunning, clever and intelligent are the most common attributes associated with the fox spirit in most cultures although some cultures do interpret the fox as being deceptive and rather mischievous but ultimately the positive aspects outshine
the rest.
The Fox Spirit Animal

Having a fox spirit animal in your life might also indicate that you need to be more careful about the people around you who are tricking you and learn to be more discerning in your relationships. The fox totem animal indicates a helpful symbolism with association towards attaining good luck and being more playful in your life to extract the beauty in it.
Encounter with the Fox - Fox Spirit Animal

What is the meaning of Fox symbolism or some lookalike other creature? Find out what symbol the fox spirit animal is trying to teach you and its symbolic meaning, and gain some insight into your life.