
Spirit Animal Meaning Symbolism& Totem

Hawk Spirit Symbol:

Awareness, Perspective, Insight, Truth, Visionary Power, Guardianship, Strength, Initiative, Decisiveness, Creativity, Messenger, Caution, Maneuvering, Leadership, Spirit, Totem Animal
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Hawk Totem Meaning and Medicine:

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The spirit of hawk totem brings with it many different meanings. If the hawk totem animal has entered your life recently take a moment to stop and reflect on some of the following messages:

Awareness, Perspective

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Do you feel like youโ€™re moving forward in life blindly, or simply going through the grind?

If the hawk totem has recently entered your life you may need to stop and take account of your situation. Observe the minute and fine details of your surroundings because it is likely a juicy morsel of information is hidden in the high grass. The spirit of hawk totem represents the ability to see meaning in ordinary experiences and will help you to become more observant. Many of the messages Hawk totem brings are about freeing yourself of thoughts and beliefs that are limiting your spirit ability to soar above your life and gain a greater perspective. It is this ability to soar high above to catch a glimpse of the bigger picture that allows Hawk spirit people to survive and flourish.confidence.

Insight, Vision:

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Are you lacking confidence in yourself, are your bottling up your creative ideas and going unheard?

Hawk spirit is both insightful and visionary. Stop doubting your ideas and assert yourself. Trust in your instincts and feelings and have confidence in any bright ideas that have recently come into mind.

Insight, Vision:

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Are you lacking confidence in yourself, are your bottling up your creative ideas and going unheard?

Hawk spirit is both insightful and visionary. Stop doubting your ideas and assert yourself. Trust in your instincts and feelings and have confidence in any bright ideas that have recently come into mind.

Initiative, Decisiveness:

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Are you hesitating or procrastinating about something important in your life?

Are you avoiding someone or something out of fear? Hawk spirit totem waits patiently to strike at their prey, but when the time comes they strike with both speed and precision. If you stand by too long, any opportunities that have presented themselves will slip through your grasp. Take some initiative and seize the moment!

Caution, Maneuvering:

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Have you become reckless and impulsive?

Do you often find yourself being outthought or outmaneuvered in life? Hawk spirit can alert us to those times when we should NOT take action because we do not yet have all the information we need. For example, a hawk totem person is thinking about becoming involved in a relationship, personal or business, yet they get the feeling that something is โ€œnot quite rightโ€. This needs to be heeded and Hawk spirit sent forth to gather the appropriate information to help the person make the best choice. Trust in your spirit intuition, Hawkโ€™s totem may be telling you to steer clear for very good reasons! Be patient and fully examine the breadth of your decision making, once you have enough information Hawk totem will guide you to implement this knowledge to your advantage and steer you towards a more favorable path.

Hawk Spirit Message Scaled

Hawk Spirit Message:

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The hawk totem is a messenger of insight, adaptability and openness, it is also about visionary power and guardianship. Hawkโ€™s spirit teaches us to be observant and to pay attention to what we may overlook. This could mean a talent we donโ€™t use, a blessing for which we havenโ€™t expressed gratitude, or a message from the universe. The hawk has keen eyesight, it is about opening our eyes and seeing that which is there to guide us. Hawk spirit awakens vision and inspires us to a creative life purpose. Look to the world around you for there are totem symbols buried in everything. themselves being consulted when friends or family are in trouble. The wisdom of the wolf spirit animal also creates patience and you can almost always count on a loyal ear when times are hard. The loyalty of this spirit animal is so great that once you are in the pack they will bend over backward for you, for life.

Hawk totem in Dreams:

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To see a hawk in your dream, denotes that suspicions are lurking around you and your activities. You need to proceed with caution. Alternatively, a hawk symbolizes insight. Consider the phrase โ€œhawkโ€™s eyeโ€ to mean that you need to keep a close watch on someone or some situation. The key is to sense the subtle meaning carried by the winds and spirit of change.

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People with Hawk Totem Spirit areโ€ฆ

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Hawk totem people aim to initiate and lead, and may be impulsive from time to time.

One of the greatest gifts a Hawk totem person can give the world is their visions of a better and brighter future. Visionaries are always ahead of their time and itโ€™s not easy seeing what other totem animal people are not ready to see.

If you are a Hawk spirit animal yourself, understand that this Spirit animal can give you a special task to hold the energy of what could be, of potentials that are waiting to be envisioned. Seek out other people who can support you in your life and never allow others to cause you to lose sight of what is really important to you.

It is important however that Hawk totem people do be aware of how they are presenting the messages they receive. They need more than many others to try and deliver the messages as gently as they can, only becoming more forceful if their inner spirit guidance absolutely says it is needed. Sometimes simply thinking through for a time what needs to be said can help Hawk animal people find just the right words to use that will make all the difference and in this they should be encouraged to take their time and soar above for a while before speaking their truth.

Hawk totem people, like many who carry strong predator animal totems, may be shunned by others who sense and fear their inner power. Others may sense that this is a person who can see straight through them and as many people think in terms of judging things as being good or bad, they are afraid that the Hawk spirit will see who they โ€œreallyโ€ are and so they strike first in an attempt to keep the Hawk animal at bay. Hawk totem needs to learn how to veil their energy spirit somewhat, not as an attempt to deceive others but to allow people to get to know them and understand that Hawk Spirit has no interest in judging others. Often these people have seen so much of the best and worst in life that they find they have no need to judge.

Some Hawk spirit animal people may have a tendency, because of their vast ability to see clear through to the heart of things, to become an arrogant totem animal symbol. This should be avoided because it keeps them earthbound and causes interpersonal conflicts! This can start as confusion on the part of the Hawk totem person who cannot understand why others seem less aware of the larger picture and their own issues. It is important that people with the Hawk totem understand that others are not as well developed yet in these areas and avoid blurting out what they see and know without thinking of how it may impact another person.

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Cultural Symbolism of the hawk totem:

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Native American:

Among Native American traditions, Hawk totem served the role of messenger guide, bringer of spirit messages and portents of change. Hawk spirit reminded the people they needed to be awake and aware. Many Native American tribes admire the hawk for its speed, endurance, perseverance, and sharp eyesight.


In the Celtic tradition Hawk totem animal empowers a person to seek out their ancestral roots and to examine in depth that which is positive (so that it may be integrated into a personโ€™s life) and that which is limiting (so it can be released). Tradition is only worth honoring when it supports joy and fulfillment in oneโ€™s life! In this tradition Hawk totem also supports the solar side as stated above, helping a person to move forward in life and to seek out great quests to embark upon.


In Greco-Roman mythology, the hawk totem is the โ€˜swift spirit messenger of Apollo/Mercury,โ€™ and is associated with the sorceress, Circe.


The Chinese associated this spirit bird with war.


In early Christian animal symbolism, the wild hawk represented evil; the tamed hawk signified the convert; and the hooded hawk symbolized the Christian hoping in the Light of Christ even though surrounded by the darkness of earth. Because of the hawkโ€™s swiftness in darting down and grasping its prey, this animal is a symbol of death, injustice, violence, and those people who prey upon the weak.


In ancient Egypt, the hawk was considered a royal bird and a symbol of the soul (ba). Isis is said to have shape shifted into a Hawk to save Osiris. Horus also carried Hawk medicine which allowed him to see the โ€œunseeableโ€.


Gayatri is the Hindu hawk spirit who brought an intoxicating drink of immortality known as โ€˜somaโ€™ from heaven. He is also a spirit vehicle of Indra.

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