Hawk Spirit Symbol:
Awareness, Perspective, Insight, Truth, Visionary Power, Guardianship, Strength, Initiative, Decisiveness, Creativity, Messenger, Caution, Maneuvering, Leadership, Spirit, Totem Animal

Hawk Totem Meaning and Medicine:

The spirit of hawk totem brings with it many different meanings. If the hawk totem animal has entered your life recently take a moment to stop and reflect on some of the following messages:
Awareness, Perspective

Do you feel like youโre moving forward in life blindly, or simply going through the grind?
If the hawk totem has recently entered your life you may need to stop and take account of your situation. Observe the minute and fine details of your surroundings because it is likely a juicy morsel of information is hidden in the high grass. The spirit of hawk totem represents the ability to see meaning in ordinary experiences and will help you to become more observant. Many of the messages Hawk totem brings are about freeing yourself of thoughts and beliefs that are limiting your spirit ability to soar above your life and gain a greater perspective. It is this ability to soar high above to catch a glimpse of the bigger picture that allows Hawk spirit people to survive and flourish.confidence.
Insight, Vision:

Are you lacking confidence in yourself, are your bottling up your creative ideas and going unheard?
Hawk spirit is both insightful and visionary. Stop doubting your ideas and assert yourself. Trust in your instincts and feelings and have confidence in any bright ideas that have recently come into mind.